Today’s vehicles collect massive amounts of data. Your car is tracking you and sending all that information back to the manufacturer and maybe to other places as well. Find out what manufacturers are doing with your data and what rights you have when it comes to your privacy.
Production and Music: Mike Muscarella
Episode Transcript:
Ben: Well you know, here we are in February.
Heather: Yes
Ben: And Valentines day is coming up.
Heather: Oh really?
Ben: So just, I decide I'm going to be really romantic
Heather: Oh, okay.
Ben: And before we start this podcast I'm going to sing to you Bryan Adams.
*Bryan Adams (Everything I Do) I Do It For You plays*
Heather: Could my gift be that you don't?
*Gear Related intro music plays*

Meet your hosts:

Ben Lee
Gear Related Host

Heather Lee
Gear Related Host